
More processed Food bites

For some reason I feel like I need to share my disappointment in these products

     I had such high hopes when I saw this sitting on the shelf next to all the other hostess products. Sorry to say it was disgusting. The cake portion wasn’t half bad. The frosting on the other hand tasted like chemicals and left a bad taste in my mouth. The worst part is I kept burping and it was all I tasted for about a hour after eating it.

     Now these looked interesting to me. Especially since I had a KFC bowl over the weekend. I could probably make a more flavorable mashed potatoes and just mix some corn and green beans into it, Plus the mash potatoes were a bit soupy, I like them a bit more thick. The chicken fried steak wasn’t the best, but then again frozen beef isn’t my favorite thing to eat. I got the chicken option also but I’m expecting it to taste the same.

     I love the devour buffalo Mac ‘n cheese with chicken so I figured I might enjoy another version of this frozen meal. Man I’m not having a good week so far with food. ( FYI I’m getting my Kitchen remodeled so I am forced to go route of microwave meals a few days out of the week ... reasons why the reviews .... should of mentioned it earlier) Anyway the chicken honestly was the best part of this bowl. The Mac and cheese was like any other cheap frozen meal. The selection of cheeses they chose didn’t help it any. I think what makes the devour brand taste so good is the addition of blue cheese. I probably won’t be buying any of these products again.