
     I’m someone that loves to see a movie on the big screen but hates having to not have the option to press pause if I have to use the bathroom. So for this reason I normally see movies when they are released digitally. Today I finally got to watch Glass. I loved Unbreakable and Split up’d The game for a sequel you wouldn’t have expected. I thought this was a fitting end for the trilogy. Didn’t expect it to end the way it did. Kudos to M. Night Shayamalan. I still waiting for the Avatar sequels that I know will never happen since all the actors are way too old now.
    Now it’s time to give Titans season one a chance. I didn’t;t want to subscribe to the DC Universe streaming service in hopes they might release seasons of their shows to buy. To my surprised they already have this one up on iTunes. Probably have me ripping it apart in another post. The few clips I seen on YouTube were horrible. Maybe the storyline might be what made the show but the effects , costumes and acting seemed pretty low budget for my eyes.